welcome! about me hall of fame

Famous Corgis

maybe not famous, but these are my favorites

Goro@Welsh corgi

these are definitely my favorite corgis, goro is the best. absolute power.


heres the link to the youtube channel, roku and angela are wonderful corgis, and kuro deserves an honourable mention

8Corgi House

8 adorable and impressive corgis! what else can i say.. you're sure to love one!


coco is my favorite.

Corgi Crew

there are too many here to go over all of them! they use the #CorgiCrew hash tag on twitter, but here are my favorite..


emmett is a very powerful dog. he is very loud, and he loves his treat ball!

his twitter handle is @emmettdoog !



dudley is a very nice corgi, he has such a kind and trusting face.. just look at him!

dudleys twitter handle is @DudleyCorgi !

remember, the rest of the CorgiCrew are also fantastic dogs!

last, but ANYTHING but least..


skyler is one of my favorite corgis. there are not many videos of him, but he's still fantastic.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJvh8nF5i8TY_xJC3FuTJcg (the owners youtube channel)

my favorite is the all-time classic "corgi wants a carrot".

that is all for now! if i come across new favorite corgis, i'll make sure to update this page for your corgi loving pleasure.

corgi fun fact: the word corgi means "dwarf dog"! coming from the welsh "cor", meaning dwarf, and "ci", meaning dog!